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MHC Class II RT-1B Anticorps

(MHC Class II RT-1B) est synonyme de produits de recherche de haute qualité. Cherchez, trouvez et commandez des outils avec des données de validation étendues, des images, des références. Notre service clientèle scientifique est toujours à votre disposition si vous avez des questions sur la sélection ou l'application de nos produits.

MHC Class II RT-1B recommandé Anticorps

N° du produit
Fiche technique
Reactivity Mouse, Rat
Application FACS, IHC (fro), IHC (p), IHC, WB
  • (2)
N° du produit ABIN625901
Quantité 0.25 mg
Fiche technique Fiche technique
Reactivity Mouse, Rat
Application FACS
N° du produit ABIN305180
Quantité 50 μg
Fiche technique Fiche technique
Reactivity Rat
Application FACS, IHC (fro), IHC (p), IHC
N° du produit ABIN472244
Quantité 100 μg
Fiche technique Fiche technique

Dernières publications sur nos produits MHC Class II RT-1B

Lee, Tuazon, Corey, Bonsack, Acosta, Ehrhart, Sanberg, Borlongan: "A Gutsy Move for Cell-Based Regenerative Medicine in Parkinson's Disease: Targeting the Gut Microbiome to Sequester Inflammation and Neurotoxicity." dans: Stem cell reviews and reports, Vol. 15, Issue 5, pp. 690-702, (2019) (PubMed).

Lee, Tuazon, Ehrhart, Sanberg, Borlongan: "Gutting the brain of inflammation: A key role of gut microbiome in human umbilical cord blood plasma therapy in Parkinson's disease model." dans: Journal of cellular and molecular medicine, Vol. 23, Issue 8, pp. 5466-5474, (2019) (PubMed).

Oh, Jorgensen, Wasserfall, Gjymishka, Petersen: "Suppression of islet homeostasis protein thwarts diabetes mellitus progression." dans: Laboratory investigation; a journal of technical methods and pathology, Vol. 97, Issue 5, pp. 577-590, (2017) (PubMed).

Safaiyan, Kannaiyan, Snaidero, Brioschi, Biber, Yona, Edinger, Jung, Rossner, Simons: "Age-related myelin degradation burdens the clearance function of microglia during aging." dans: Nature neuroscience, Vol. 19, Issue 8, pp. 995-8, (2016) (PubMed).

Ling, Zhu, Tong, Snyder, Lipton, Carvey: "Prenatal lipopolysaccharide does not accelerate progressive dopamine neuron loss in the rat as a result of normal aging." dans: Experimental neurology, Vol. 216, Issue 2, pp. 312-20, (2009) (PubMed).

Bode, Lörchner, Ahrendt, Blessenohl, Kalies, Claus, Overbeck, Rink, Pabst: "Dendritic cell subsets in lymph nodes are characterized by the specific draining area and influence the phenotype and fate of primed T cells." dans: Immunology, Vol. 123, Issue 4, pp. 480-90, (2008) (PubMed).

Couty, Rampon, Leveque, Laran-Chich, Bourdoulous, Greenwood, Couraud: "PECAM-1 engagement counteracts ICAM-1-induced signaling in brain vascular endothelial cells." dans: Journal of neurochemistry, Vol. 103, Issue 2, pp. 793-801, (2007) (PubMed).

Ling, Zhu, Tong, Snyder, Lipton, Carvey: "Progressive dopamine neuron loss following supra-nigral lipopolysaccharide (LPS) infusion into rats exposed to LPS prenatally." dans: Experimental neurology, Vol. 199, Issue 2, pp. 499-512, (2006) (PubMed).

Carvey, Zhao, Hendey, Lum, Trachtenberg, Desai, Snyder, Zhu, Ling: "6-Hydroxydopamine-induced alterations in blood-brain barrier permeability." dans: The European journal of neuroscience, Vol. 22, Issue 5, pp. 1158-68, (2005) (PubMed).

Ling, Chang, Tong, Leurgans, Lipton, Carvey: "Rotenone potentiates dopamine neuron loss in animals exposed to lipopolysaccharide prenatally." dans: Experimental neurology, Vol. 190, Issue 2, pp. 373-83, (2004) (PubMed).

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