+49 (0)241 95 163 153
+49 (0)241 95 163 155


FISH, ICC, IHC (fro), IHC (p), IHC (wm), PLA, TUNEL
N° du produit ABIN377045
  • Application
    Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), Immunocytochemistry (ICC), Immunohistochemistry (Frozen Sections) (IHC (fro)), Immunohistochemistry (Paraffin-embedded Sections) (IHC (p)), Immunohistochemistry (Whole Mount) (IHC (wm)), Proximity Ligation Assay (PLA), Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL)
    Attributs du produit
  • Indications d'application
    • Applications: IHC-FS , IHC-WM , (F)ISH , PLA , IHC-PS , ICC , TUNEL , Fluoromount-G® is compatible with the following reagents - AEC , Chlorin e, (Ce,) , Fast Red , NBT , Alexa Fluor® , , Coumarin , FD Rapid GolgiStain™ , NeuroTrace® , Blue , Alexa Fluor® , , CY, , FLIVO® , NeuroTrace® , Deep-Red , Alexa Fluor® , ,... CY, , FluoProbes® , , Nile Red , Alexa Fluor® , , CY,., , FluoProbes® 547H , NorthernLights™ , , Alexa Fluor® , , CY, , Fluorescein (FITC) , NorthernLights™ , , Alexa Fluor® , , CY,., , Fluoro-Emerald , Oil Red O , Alexa Fluor® , , , DAB , Fluoro-Gold , Oregon Green® , , Alexa Fluor® , , DAPI , Fluoro-Jade® , Pacific Blue™ , Alexa Fluor® , , DiD , Fluoro-Ruby® , Phycoerythrin (PE) , Alexa Fluor® , , DiI , FM® , , Phycoerythrin,Cyanine , (PE,CY,) , Alexa Fluor® , , DRAQ,® , GFP , Propidium Iodide (PI) , Alexa Fluor® , , DsRed , HCS LipidTOX™ Deep Red , PROTEOSTAT® , Alizarin Red S , dTomato , HCS LipidTOX™ Green , Qtracker® , , AMCA , DyLight® , , Hematoxylin , Red Fluorescent Protein (RFP) , AmCyan , DyLight® , , Hoechst , , Rhodamine (TRITC) , Amylo-Glo® , DyLight® , , Hoechst , , Rhodamine 6G , APC , DyLight® , , Hoechst , , Rhodamine B , BCIP,NBT , DyLight® , , Hoechst , , Rhodamine Red™-X , BODIPY® , , DyLight® , , Image-iT® FX Signal Enhancer , Sudan Black B , BODIPY® FL , DyLight® , , Lissamine™ Rhodamine B , SYTOX™ Green , Brilliant Violet ,™ , eFluor® , , LysoTracker® Green , TACS® , TdT Blue , CdSe-ZnS Quantum Dots , eFluor® , , LysoTracker® Red , Texas Red® , CellMask™ Orange , EGFP , Marina Blue® , Thioflavin S , CellTracker™ Blue , Eosin , mCherry , TMR Red , CellTracker™ Green , ER-Tracker™ Green , MitoTracker® Deep Red , TO-PRO®-, , CellTracker™ Orange , Ethidium Bromide , MitoTracker® Orange , TSA™ CY, , CF®488A , Evans Blue , MitoTracker® Red , X-gal , CF®, , EYFP , MTT , Yellow Fluorescent Protein (YFP) , CF®660C , Fast Blue , NBD C,-Ceramide , Suggested Protocol Prepare samples,perform staining according to established procedures Following aqueous final step, remove excess liquid around the sample,add , drop (~, μL) of Fluoromount-G® for an area of , x , mm Mount coverslip,remove excess mounting medium Allow to air dry for , minutes prior to analysis

    Slide Mounting

    For Research Use only
  • Format
    Fluoromount-G® is supplied as a 25 mL solution containing Sodium azide as preservative. Avoid exposure to light and store at ambient temperature.
    Agent conservateur
    Sodium azide
    Précaution d'utilisation
    This product contains Sodium azide: a POISONOUS AND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE which should be handled by trained staff only.
    Conseil sur la manipulation
    Each reagent is stable for the period shown on the bottle label if stored as directed.
    Stockage commentaire
    Fluoromount-G® is supplied as a 25 mL solution containing NaN3 as preservative. Avoid exposure to light and store at ambient temperature.
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    Zang, Christoffersson, Tian, Rashid, Vågesjö, Phillipson, Barg, Tengholm, Welsh: "Aberrant association between vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-2 and VE-cadherin in response to vascular endothelial growth factor-a in Shb-deficient lung endothelial cells." dans: Cellular signalling, (2012) (PubMed).

    Holmstrand, Sesack: "Projections from the rat pedunculopontine and laterodorsal tegmental nuclei to the anterior thalamus and ventral tegmental area arise from largely separate populations of neurons." dans: Brain structure & function, Vol. 216, Issue 4, pp. 331-45, (2011) (PubMed).

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