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BRIP1 anticorps (Isoform 1)

BRIP1 Reactivité: Humain WB, EIA Hôte: Lapin Polyclonal unconjugated
N° du produit ABIN117916
  • Antigène Voir toutes BRIP1 Anticorps
    BRIP1 (BRCA1 Interacting Protein C-terminal Helicase 1 (BRIP1))
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    AA 92-104, Isoform 1
    • 58
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    Cet anticorp BRIP1 est non-conjugé
    • 43
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    Western Blotting (WB), Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA)
    Protein Sequence: Human BACH1 (isoform 1), 1249 aa, predicted MW 140.8 kDa 1 mssmwseyti ggvkiyfpyk aypsqlammn silrglnskq hcllesptgs gkslallcsa 61 lawqqslsgk padegvseka evqlscccac hskdftnndm nqgtsrhfny pstppserng 121 tsstcqdspe kttlaaklsa kkqasiyrde nddfqvekkr irplettqqi rkrhcfgtev 181 hnldakvdsg ktvklnsple kinsfspqkp pghcsrcccs tkqgnsqess ntikkdhtgk 241 skipkiyfgt rthkqiaqit relrrtaysg vpmtilssrd htcvhpevvg nfnrnekcme 301 lldgkngksc yfyhgvhkis dqhtlqtfqg mckawdieel vslgkklkac pyytareliq 361 dadiifcpyn ylldaqires mdlnlkeqvv ildeahnied caresasysv tevqlrfard 421 eldsmvnnni rkkdheplra vccslinwle anaeylverd yesackiwsg nemlltlhkm 481 gittatfpil qghfsavlqk eekispiygk eearevpvis astqimlkgl fmvldylfrq 541 nsrfaddyki aiqqtyswtn qidisdkngl lvlpknkkrs rqktavhvln fwclnpavaf 601 sdingkvqti vltsgtlspm ksfsselgvt ftiqleanhi iknsqvwvgt igsgpkgrnl 661 catfqntetf efqdevgall lsvcqtvsqg ilcflpsykl leklkerwls tglwhnlelv 721 ktvivepqgg ektnfdellq vyydaikykg ekdgallvav crgkvsegld fsddnaravi 781 tigipfpnvk dlqvelkrqy ndhhsklrgl lpgrqwyeiq ayralnqalg rcirhrndwg 841 alilvddrfr nnpsryisgl skwvrqqiqh hstfesales laefskkhqk vlnvsikdrt 901 niqdnestle vtslkystpp ylleaashls penfvedeak icvqelqcpk iitknsplps 961 siisrkeknd pvfleeagka ekivisrsts ptfnkqtkrv swssfnslgq yftgkipkat 1021 pelgssensa sspprfktek mesktvlpft dkcessnltv ntsfgscpqs etiisslkid 1081 atltrknhse hplcseeald pdielslvse edkqstsnrd feteaedesi yftpelydpe 1141 dtdeekndla etdrgnrlan nsdcilakdl feirtikevd sarevkaedc idtklngilh 1201 ieeskiddid gnvkttwine lelgktheie iknfkpspsk nkgmfpgfk
    This affinity purified antibody is directed against human BACH1 protein. The product was affinity purified from monospecific antiserum by Immunoaffinity purification. A BLAST analysis was used to suggest cross reactivity with BACH1 protein from human (100 % homology) and chimpanzee (92 % homology). Expect reactivity with isoform 1 and isoform 2 of BACH1. Reactivity against BACH1 homologues from rat and mouse is not expected. Reactivity against homologues from other sources is not known.
    Immunoaffinity chromatography.
    This affinity purified antibody was prepared from whole rabbit serum produced by repeated immunizations with a recombinant protein corresponding to amino acids 92-104 of isoform 1 of human BACH1 protein.
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  • Indications d'application
    This affinity purified antibody has been tested for use in ELISA (1: 10,000-1: 44,000) andWestern blot (1: 500-1: 2,000). Specific conditions for reactivity should be optimized by the end user. Expect a bandapproximately 105 -140 kDa in size corresponding to isoforms of BACH1 protein by Westernblotting in the appropriate cell lysate or extract.
    Other applications not tested.
    Optimal dilutions are dependent on conditions and should be determined by the user.
    For Research Use only
  • Concentration
    1.0 mg/mL (by UV absorbance at 280 nm)
    0.02 M Potassium Phosphate, 0.15 M Sodium Chloride, pH 7.2 with 0.01 % (w/v) Sodium Azide as preservative.
    Agent conservateur
    Sodium azide
    Précaution d'utilisation
    This product contains sodium azide: a POISONOUS AND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE which should be handled by trained staff only.
    Conseil sur la manipulation
    Dilute only prior to immediate use. Avoid cycles of freezing and thawing.
    -20 °C
    Stockage commentaire
    Store vial at -20° C or below prior to opening. For extended storage aliquot contents and freeze at -20 °C or below.
  • Antigène
    BRIP1 (BRCA1 Interacting Protein C-terminal Helicase 1 (BRIP1))
    Autre désignation
    BRIP1 / FANCJ (BRIP1 Produits)
    anticorps MGC68622, anticorps BRIP1, anticorps fancj, anticorps si:ch211-158l18.1, anticorps BACH1, anticorps FANCJ, anticorps OF, anticorps 3110009N10Rik, anticorps 8030460J03Rik, anticorps Bach1, anticorps FACJ, anticorps Fancj, anticorps BRCA1 interacting protein C-terminal helicase 1, anticorps BRCA1 interacting protein C-terminal helicase 1 L homeolog, anticorps Brip1, anticorps brip1.L, anticorps BRIP1, anticorps brip1
    BACH1 (also known as BRCA1 interacting protein C-terminal helicase 1, BRCA1-interacting protein 1 and BRCA1-associated C-terminal helicase 1) is a member of the RecQ DEAH helicase family and interacts with the BRCT repeats of breast cancer, type 1 (BRCA1). The bound complex is important in the normal doublestrand break repair function of breast cancer, type 1 (BRCA1). The BACH1 gene may be a target of germline cancer-inducing mutations. BACH1 is localized within the nucleus and functions as a DNA-dependent ATPase and 5' to 3' DNA helicase. Two isoforms have been identified for this protein.Synonyms: ATP-dependent RNA helicase BRIP1, BACH1, BRCA1-associated C-terminal helicase 1, BRCA1-interacting protein C-terminal helicase 1, Fanconi anemia group J protein, Protein FACJ
    ID gène
    NCBI Accession
    Réparation de l'ADN
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