+49 (0)241 95 163 153
+49 (0)241 95 163 155

Paired Box 3 (PAX3) Peptide

PAX3 Reactivité: Humain Hôte: Synthetic BP, WB
N° du produit ABIN981384
  • Antigène Tous les produits Paired Box 3 (PAX3)
    Paired Box 3 (PAX3)
    • 8
    Blocking Peptide (BP), Western Blotting (WB)
    Attributs du produit
    This is a synthetic peptide designed for use in combination with anti-PAX3 antibody (Catalog #: ARP32445_P050). It may block above mentioned antibody from binding to its target protein in western blot and/or immunohistochecmistry under proper experimental settings. There is no guarantee for its use in other applications.
  • Indications d'application
    Each Investigator should determine their own optimal working dilution for specific applications.
    For Research Use only
  • Format
    Add 100 μL of sterile PBS. Final peptide concentration is 1 mg/mL in PBS.
    1 mg/mL
    Final peptide concentration is 1 mg/mL in PBS.
    Conseil sur la manipulation
    Avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles.
    -20 °C
    Stockage commentaire
    For longer periods of storage, store at -20°C. Avoid repeat freeze-thaw cycles.
  • Antigène
    Paired Box 3 (PAX3)
    PAX3 Peptide, cdhs Peptide, hup2 Peptide, pax-3 Peptide, ws1 Peptide, xpax3 Peptide, Pax3 Peptide, pax3 Peptide, pax3b Peptide, xPax3-B Peptide, CDHS Peptide, HUP2 Peptide, WS1 Peptide, WS3 Peptide, Pax-3 Peptide, Sp Peptide, splotch Peptide, zgc:92547 Peptide, paired box 3 Peptide, paired box 3 L homeolog Peptide, paired box 3a Peptide, PAX3 Peptide, pax3 Peptide, pax3.L Peptide, Pax3 Peptide, pax3a Peptide
    PAX3 is a member of the paired box (PAX) family of transcription factors. Members of the PAX family typically contain a paired box domain and a paired-type homeodomain. These genes play critical roles during fetal development. Mutations in paired box gene 3 are associated with Waardenburg syndrome, craniofacial-deafness-hand syndrome, and alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma. The translocation t(2,13)(q35,q14), which represents a fusion between PAX3 and the forkhead gene, is a frequent finding in alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma.This gene is a member of the paired box (PAX) family of transcription factors. Members of the PAX family typically contain a paired box domain and a paired-type homeodomain. These genes play critical roles during fetal development. Mutations in paired box gene 3 are associated with Waardenburg syndrome, craniofacial-deafness-hand syndrome, and alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma. The translocation t(2,13)(q35,q14), which represents a fusion between PAX3 and the forkhead gene, is a frequent finding in alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma. Alternative splicing results in transcripts encoding isoforms with different C-termini.This gene is a member of the paired box (PAX) family of transcription factors. Members of the PAX family typically contain a paired box domain and a paired-type homeodomain. These genes play critical roles during fetal development. Mutations in paired box gene 3 are associated with Waardenburg syndrome, craniofacial-deafness-hand syndrome, and alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma. The translocation t(2,13)(q35,q14), which represents a fusion between PAX3 and the forkhead gene, is a frequent finding in alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma. Alternative splicing results in transcripts encoding isoforms with different C-termini.

    Alias Symbols: CDHS, HUP2, MGC120381, MGC120382, MGC120383, MGC120384, MGC134778, WS1, WS3

    Protein Interaction Partner: CIB1,DAXX,MEOX1,MEOX2,MITF,MSX1,PAX3,SOX10,SOX8,WWTR1,CNR1,DAXX,IPO13,IPO13,MEOX1,MEOX2,MSX1,POU3F2,PSMD4,RAD23B,Rad23b,SOX10,SOX10,TBP,UBC,Ubc

    Protein Size: 484
    Poids moléculaire
    53 kDa
    ID gène
    NCBI Accession
    NM_181458, NP_852123
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